Origin Bet Week 58

Origin Supply Chain
2 min readSep 20, 2019



Ricky Rubio is the Tissot MVP of the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2019!

What. A. Team 🇦🇷🥈👏 Argentina Got Game


  1. The anti-counterfeiting product for pharmaceutical company in Jiangsu development is in progress, the beta vision for pc has come up.And improve the performance of mobile phone vision.
  2. The plan of anti-counterfeiting hardware development based on RF-ID technology for pharmaceutical company is in discussion.The plan will fill to the ground in November.
  3. Discuss the cooperation with the recycling company in Henan, they are satisfied with the plan we made for them.The cooperation is still in discussion.
  4. Discuss the cooperation with cheetah miner(which is known as 猎豹矿机),the detailed information will release in January of 2020
  5. The transition version of Official website will release in early October.The new version will come up by the end of this year, including the new model and white paper
  6. Adjust and upgrade the internal team structure. Detailed information will be released at the year-end


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